WELCOME HOME! We are God's family here on earth. WATCH OUR VIDEOS
WE ARE SUPERNATURAL, SPIRIT FILLED, WORDED... the supernatural is embraced and manifested in, and the gifts of the spirit is readily operated with WATCH OUR VIDEOS
WELCOME HOME! We're God's family here on earth.
In Great Haven, people are raised to serve in ministry and meet the needs of people in society.
Our Regina, Canada campus started on September 6, 2020.
Since then, we have organized several programs and outreaches where the needs of people are met and their lives transformed.
We are a people who love God and love people.
We are sticklers for the Word of God. We believe in the inspiration, infallibility, and preservation of scriptures. We also:
Our building is safe place for people to find God, without fear of judgment. We are effective in letting people know that God loves them (evangelism). We make disciples and send them as mature and vibrant ministers of the gospel- the love of God in Christ. Our statement of faith has its source in the Holy Bible and is in total agreement with the principles of the doctrines of Christ.
As a people, we believe that the Holy Bible is the only authority in defining the faith and practices of Christians. This statement of faith has its source in the Bible and is in total agreement with the principles of the doctrines of Christ.
Pastor Daniel Folarin, fondly called PDF, is the Lead Pastor of Great Haven, headquartered in Regina, Canada.
As the Lead Pastor, he provides leadership to the staff team and all the members of the ministry. PDF is passionate about teaching and training people to stand perfect and complete in all the will of God, people that are strong in doctrine and filled with the power of the Spirit of God.
Pastor Daniel is a graduate of Israel Bible Center and has passed through Rhema Bible Training Center (Kenneth Hagin), and is currently undergoing his postgraduate studies at Briercrest Seminary in Caronport, SK, Canada. He is the author of several books, both Christian doctrinal and non-doctrinal. In his spare time, he loves to read, fellowship with brethren, and hang out with his wife and children. He, his wife (Tolulade), their son (Charis), and their daughter (Eirene) live in Regina, Saskatchewan - Canada.
If you'd like to meet with PDF to talk about your journey with God, or to know more about Great Haven Ministries, feel free to reach out to him at danielfolarin@greathaven.org